教 師 簡 歷
龍定沛➜,男,西南大學資源昆蟲高效養殖與利用全國重點實驗室,副教授/碩士生導師,美國Georgia State University博士後研究員/合作項目負責人(2019-2023),荷蘭Radboud University Nijmegen訪問學者(2018)。美國克羅恩病與結腸炎大會(Crohn’s & Colitis Congress)青年研究員獎獲得者(Young Investigators Award)(2022)🪯,重慶英才-青年拔尖人才(2021),獲重慶市優秀博士論文(2016)。領導研究項目成果獲美國Crohn‘s and Colitis Foundation專題宣傳報道(2023)🤲🏿。主持包括歐盟Erasmus+項目🦶🏼👩🏻💻、美國Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation項目、國家自然科學基金、中國博士後科學基金和重慶市自然科學基金等國內外科研項目15項🎎。在Matter、Biomaterials、Bioactive Materials、Nanomedicine🤰🏽、FEBS J和Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology等期刊發表學術論文近50篇。申請發明專利16項(授權7項),獲發明專利PCT國際檢索報告1項。作為主要撰稿人參與編寫學術專著《轉基因家蠶技術與應用》。任Frontiers in Oncology、Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology、Frontiers in Insect Science、Biomedicines和Gastroenterology and Functional Medicine等期刊(客座)副主編/編委會成員。受邀為Advanced Materials🧙🏽、Acta Biomaterialia🐦🔥、Chemosphere等國際知名期刊擔任審稿專家。受邀參加美國、荷蘭、西班牙、古巴等國舉行的國際學術會議作英文報告。美國Crohn's & Colitis Foundation(CCF)和美國科學促進會(AAAS)會員。
1. 新型遺傳改良家蠶(絲)材料的創製及應用;
2. 天然/轉基因蠶絲基納米藥物遞送系統開發及口服治療胃腸道疾病研究👞;
3. 基於蠶桑來源的外泌體/脂質體納米載藥系統開發及應用研究
(1) 國家自然科學基金(青年科學基金)項目(31801126)⚂,2019-2021;
(2) 美國克羅恩和結腸炎基金會(Crohn's and Colitis Foundation)研究獎學金項目(689659),2020-2023;
(3) 重慶英才計劃“包幹製”項目(cstc2022ycjh-bgzxm0019),2022-2024;
(4) 重慶市在渝院士牽頭科技創新引導專項(CSTB2023YSZX-JCX0003),2023-2026🧑✈️;
(5) 重慶市自然科學基金面上項目(CSTB2023NSCQ-MSX0506),2023-2026🖖🏼。
(1) Dingpei Long; et al. Genetic hybridization of highly active exogenous functional proteins into silk-based materials using “light-clothing” strategy, Matter, 2021, 4: 2039-2058.
(2) Dingpei Long*; et al. An efficient and safe strategy for germ cell‐specific automatic excision of foreign DNA in F1 hybrid transgenic silkworms. Insect Science, 2024, 31(1): 28-46;
(3) Dingpei Long; et al. Oral administration of M13-loaded nanoliposomes is safe and effective to treat colitis-associated cancer in mice. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 2023, 20(10): 1443-1462;
(4) Dingpei Long; et al; Prevention of colitis-associated cancer via oral administration of M13-loaded lipid nanoparticles. Pharmaceutics, 2023, 15: 2331
(5) Yuli Zhang; Huang Yang; Pingyang Wang; Qiang Li; Lihui Bi; Aichun Zhao; Zhonghuai Xiang; Dingpei Long*. Very early corona treatment-mediated artificial incubation of silkworm eggs and germline transformation of diapause silkworm strains. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2022, 10: 843543.
(6) Dingpei Long*, Didier Merlin. Micro- and nanotechnological delivery platforms for treatment of dysbiosesis-related inflammatory bowel disease. Nanomedicine, 2021, 16(20), 1741-1745.
(7) Dingpei Long*, Bo Xiao, Didier Merlin. Genetically modified silk fibroin nanoparticles for drug delivery: preparation strategies and application prospects. Nanomedicine, 2020, 15(18): 1739-1742.
(8) Cheng X, Long D, Chen L, Jansen J, Leeuwenburgh S, Yang F*. Electrophoretic deposition of silk fibroin coatings with pre-defined architecture to facilitate precise control over drug delivery, Bioactive Materials, 2021, 6: 4243-4254.
(9) Sung J, Alghoul Z, Long D, Yang C*, Merlin D. Oral delivery of IL-22 mRNA-loaded lipid nanoparticles targeting the injured intestinal mucosa: A novel therapeutic solution to treat ulcerative colitis, Biomaterials, 2022, 288, 121707.
(10) Hao Z, Long D, Zhang Y, Umuhoza D, Dai J, Xu Z, Zhang G. Meng W, Xiang Z, Zhao A*. New insight into the mechanism of in vivo fibroin self-assembly and secretion in the silkworm, Bombyx mori, Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 2021, 169: 473-479.
(1) 龍定沛; 劉榮鵬; 黃陽; 徐漢福; 向仲懷; 實現轉基因家蠶雜交一代生殖細胞外源DNA自動刪除的重組表達載體及其製備方法和應用, 2022-02-28, 中國, CN202210186235.9 (專利)
(2) 龍定沛; 程峴; 孫鑒鋒; 劉焱萍; 代方銀; 向仲懷; 一種表達人表皮生長因子的家蠶絲腺重組表達載體及其製備方法和應用, 2022-11-29, 中國, CN202110241205.9 (專利)
(3) 龍定沛; 張雨麗; 郝占章; 張桂征; 閉立輝; 魯成; 向仲懷; 趙愛春; 極早期電暈解除家蠶滯育卵滯育性的方法及其產品, 2020-5-26, 中國, CN201710240738.9 (專利)
(4) 張雨麗; 趙愛春; 張桂征; 龍定沛; 閉立輝; 向仲懷; 韋偉; 韋博尤; 黃文功; 魯成; 蘇紅梅; 黃玲莉; 蒙藝英; 單拷貝轉基因家蠶品系的純合方法, 2019-11-05, 中國, CN201610938496.6 (專利)
(5) 張雨麗; 張桂征; 趙愛春; 龍定沛; 閉立輝; 向仲懷; 韋偉; 韋博尤; 黃文功; 魯成; 蘇紅梅; 黃玲莉; 不同斑紋品種混精雜交篩選轉基因家蠶純合子的方法. 2020-07-03, 中國, ZL201710608712.5 (專利)
(6) 肖波; 龍定沛; 張雪卿; 蜘蛛MaSps基因及其在製備載藥納米粒子中的應用, 2020-4-22, 中國, CN202010323570.X. (專利)