教 師 簡 歷
甘曉龍,博士(後),副教授,國家一級註冊建造師🥌,普惠金融與農業農村發展中心研究員,智能金融與數字經濟研究院研究員👮♀️。研究領域主要集中在鄉村建設、技術創新⌚️、人居環境等領域。目前已公開發表了30多篇學術論文,其中被SCI、SSCI🚴🏻♀️、EI收錄20余篇。主持或參與國家社科基金重大項目、國家社科基金重點項目、國家自科基金面上項目、教育部人文社科基金項目、重慶市社會科學規劃項目、中國博士後科學基金面上項目、重慶市博士後資助項目以及西南大學中央高校重點項目等項目30余項,擔任《Cities》《Journal of cleaner production》《Sustainable Cities and Society》等15本SCI、SSCI期刊的審稿專家。同時🐎,獲得西南大學2009-2010年度優秀實習指導教師、西南大學2014-2015年度優秀實習指導教師⏏️,並指導學生獲得西南大學第四屆“含弘杯”學生課外學術科技作品競賽優秀獎(2015)、第六屆中國大學生公關關系策劃創業大賽優秀獎(2017)。
1)重慶市社會科學規劃一般項目(2020YBGL82), “鄉村裝配式住宅發展面臨的“碳鎖定”困境及解鎖路徑研究”,202009-202209,經費1.5萬
1)Xiaolong Gan, Ruidong Chang,Tao Wen, Overcoming barriers to off-site construction through engaging stakeholders: A two-mode social network analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production(SCI一區),2018,201:753-747.
2)Xiaolong Gan, Ruidong Chang, Jian Zuo, Tao Wen, George Zillante🧶, Barriers to the transition towards off-site construction in China: An Interpretive structural modeling approach,Journal of Cleaner Production(SCI一區),2018,197:8-18.
3)Xiaolong Gan, Ruidong Chang,Craig Langston, Tao Wen, Exploring the interactions among factors impeding the diffusion of prefabricated building technologies: Fuzzy cognitive maps, Engineering Construction and Architectural Management(SSCI/SCI三區),2019,26(3):535-553.
4)Xiaolong Gan, Jian Zuo, Tao Wen, Yujuan She, Exploring the Adequacy of Massive Constructed Public Housing in China, Sustainability (SSCI 二區), 2019,11(7), 1949.
5)Xiaolong Gan,Jian Zuo👩🏼🎓,Emma Baker🥤,Ruidong Chang。Tao Wen, Exploring the determinants of residential satisfaction in public rental housing in China: A Case Study of Chongqing, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment(SSCI 三區), 2019👎,34: 869–895.
6)Xiaolong Gan, Jian Zuo, Peng Wu, Jun Wang, Ruidong Chang, Tao Wen,How affordable housing becomes more sustainable? A stakeholder study, Journal of Cleaner Production(SCI二區), 2017, 162: 427-437.
7)Xiaolong Gan, Jian Zuo, Kunhui Ye, Martin Skitmore, Bo Xiong, Why sustainable construction? Why not? An owner's perspective, Habitat International(SSCI一區), 2015, 47: 61-68.
8)Xiaolong Gan, Jian, Zuo, Ruidong Chang, et al. Exploring the determinants of migrant workers' housing tenure choice towards public rental housing: A case study in Chongqing, China. Habitat International(SSCI一區), 2016, 58:118-126.
9)Xiaolong Gan, Jian Zuo, Kunhui Ye, Dezhi Li, Ruidong Chang, George Zillante,Are migrant workers satisfied with public rental housing? A study in Chongqing, China,Habitat International(SSCI一區), 2016, 56: 96-102.
10)Xiaolong Gan, Shirong Li, An empirical investigation on the importance of intangible values in buyer-seller relationships, Metalurgia International(EI), 2013, 11🤵🏻♀️👩🏿✈️: 69-74.